Sunday, December 29, 2013

Goal for 2014!

Here are all my excuses (some ridiculous, but totally honest) that run through my head when I think about beginning to loose weight, change my diet, & exercise more:

Why loose weight when I'm going to eventually have another baby or two?
We're broke - so I could never join a gym; even $25 a month is out of our budget! 
I'm the pickiest eater in the world - surely none of my favorites are healthy options!
I love food too much. 
I love sweets too much. 
My baking addiction surely would be less fun if I couldn't eat them! 
I have no time to eat healthy. 
I have no money to eat healthy. 
I am too unorganized to eat healthy., you see. All these thoughts have crossed my mind on more than one occasion, but today I am hoping to make a change. I always think, well come January 1st... why wait till then? Why not start tomorrow? And, I say tomorrow because I've already pigged out on some Reese Peanut Butter cups. I like to start on a new slate. I like to have time to prepare - maybe menu plan, research, get some ideas flowing. Download some apps. Read some inspirational stories, you know...

Here is my first few steps:

1. Download the app: My Fitness Pal. I seriously contemplated paying $60 for a 3 month membership to Weight Watchers, but I'm broke and the last time I paid that much money, I lost all motivation and wasted $60. Although, I don't have official experience with Weight Watchers, I have had experience in the past with MFP and enjoyed it. It's 100% free and has a large community where you can share recipes and get support.

2. Peruse Pinterest: The best thing ever. It's the easiest way to have organization when you want to plan something healthy for breakfast or dinner.

EDIT: 3. Purchase a Fit Bit Force -  I did this pretty spontaneously, but maybe I am a tad bit motivated? This was normally on sale for $129, but with a discount code that took off 15% and using a $100 Best Buy card that I won in a Twitter Party and $20 from a Visa Gift card I won in another twitter party, this was 100% FREE for me. No guilt there!

In a perfect world I would like to say that I'm going to throw out all my sweets and bad foods, but I'm a frugal lady and the idea of throwing out all this unused foods and sweets in the garbage is a little sickening.

So, yes. Time will tell. Anyone else have any 2014 resolutions/goals?

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